Each day that passes, it becomes more obvious what the beast is, and what it’s mark is. it is getting harder and harder for merchants to do business with the unvaccinated. Hence the “sell” part of the equation. Measures  are also being put in place to make it harder to “buy”. Millions have already taken the mark of the beast system. Do not give in, time is very short. The beast wants to put it’s ownership mark on you. We do not belong to it, and it’s time is short,  our GOD is God.

Here is the description of the video above:

Get Your Money Out Of The Banks! They Are Stopping The Un Jabbed from Entering Banks, Firing Them

And it begins. Restricting access to the non compliers. Have a jab & you can have your money. But remember, this is all about health, nothing else but just health.

Italy’s latest covid restrictions came into force on Monday January 10, 2022, with the government once again expanding the scope of the Super Green Pass, the digital certificate which can only be obtained by those who are jabbed.-


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