Hello, hello: it is Friday January 10th, 2020. Welcome to episode 3 of student of the last days. I want to thank you for joining me. I want to keep my promise I made in the introduction. I said if I ever realized that I’d made an error, that you would be the first to know.

Well, in episode 2, I made an error. I attributed the verse and I was quoting it off-the-cuff, so I may have not got it word for word, but I attributed the verse. Surely, though, the Lord will requite to the prophet Isaiah. I was in error. That is the Prophet Jeremiah.

So, first up I want to correct that and, as promised in this third episode, we’re going to talk about the generation of the fig tree and in researching it to make sure I had all my ducks lined up in a row. I have discovered something I already knew, but you know it called my attention to it, so I it now’s a good time to mention it to you. Wikipedia is a terrible source for Bible students and I wasn’t necessarily looking at Wikipedia, but it comes up prominently in the surgeries. Also, I look to see what they had to say about the parable, the parable of the fig tree and, of course they just dismiss it. So today’s warning, I try to give you one warning one thing to look out for each time, not that I’m trying to cause you to fear a very often repeated phrase by Christ himself was fear.

Not so when I give you warnings, it’s not it’s not to spread panic or fear. That’S that’s! Not the intent. It’S to call your attention to lurking dangers of deception out there. Today’S warning is never ever let a non-christian.

Do your Bible interpretation for you, don’t let them interpret words and definitely don’t let him attempt to interpret Scripture of any kind in particular parables. Okay, it was asked. Christ was asked now this I’ll have to put it on the side. I don’t have it in front of me exactly where in the New Testament I know it’s in the Gospels. Were the disciples asked Lord wide news, Matthew.

13, that’s worth that! It just came back to mind where later on, in that chapter it exact. It explains. We have the parable of the serpent seed, which Wikipedia is terrible if you want to research the serpent seed parable, also because it dismisses it as a or the last time I looked get this a white supremist doctrine now what race has to do with it? I don’t have a clue, but apparently the whoever the Wikipedia contributors think it’s important.

They see it in everything. It has. A race has no article there. It just doesn’t it’s the teachings of Christ in Matthew 13. I’M sorry I’m the grace digressing, but back to the point, don’t ever let a non-christian try to explain Christianity to you in any way.

They don’t get it and is in the early verses of Matthew. Chapter 13 clearly explains the disciples. Ask it why he speaks in parables, because it’s not given for all to understand: okay people that love God love Christ, the Living Word it’s for us to understand, but the rest of them, those hypocrites, those naysayers, those stiff necks, the swine and you know, and we’ll Do we will do we will do an episode hold on? Don’T cast your pearls before swine? I think you’re gon na enjoy that one hopefully you’ll enjoy this one too.

So why did he speak in parables? He wants us to understand, but not everybody on the face of the earth: okay, the hypocrites, the naysayers, the people, the non-believers, they’re, not to understand, that’s why we cannot ever ever ever. Don’T even you know, don’t engage in unprofitable discussions. Okay, it’s not worth it. Just the best way to get them to leave you alone, if possible, is to ignore them.

Okay, that you know I do that on on the Internet. If somebody posts a comment on something, that’s why moderate comments, I’m not gon na give them any attention. You know, because what are they gon na do if you respond to them they’re gon na keep coming back. I don’t want them to keep coming back. I don’t want to continue because they demonstrate their swine when they do what Christ said they would do when they trample on your pearls and then rend.

You turn and rend you, okay, that that’s what identifies someone as swine – and I didn’t say it: Christ did so just keep that in mind. Okay! So now, let’s talk about today’s topic. The parable of the fig tree. The fig tree, represents the nation of Israel and its people, and I don’t care what wikipedia says or the contributors of Wikipedia they’re wrong.

They can dismiss it, but it’s for us. We can understand it now. You had three four four phases of the three or four here: let’s just go through them, one by one, you have the barren fig tree, Luke, chapter 13, I’ll even be specific verses. 639. I don’t normally do that.

As explained in the previous episode, but to make it real easy for you there, it is the barren fig tree and it was going to get cut down right then, but then that was no no plus tongue. It lets water it and let’s wait another year and see if it produces fruit because there it was, and it didn’t have any fruit. Okay can’t help but call to mind by their fruits. You shall know them, there’s good fruit and there’s good figs and there’s bad figs. Aren’T there Jeremiah chapter 23 but anyway, so that’s the first first mention.

Then you have that where Christ cursed the fig tree and it died. Okay mark chapter 11, verses, 12 through 17. I do wish and hope you read the whole chapters, but this time I’m kind of breaking my own rule, my own suggestion my own guideline and I’m giving you the exact verses. I wrote him down and I’m giving them to you right here. You don’t have to go to the website, he got there.

Christ gets there and there’s the fig tree and it has leaves – and he looks but they’re still no fruit, so he cursed it and it died, which is precisely what happened to the nation of Israel. After his crucifixion and about 70 80 okay titus comes in roman general burns, the temple destroys, the city or the jews are dispersed, and that’s it so there you have now the nation, the people are scattered and the nation dies. Then what do we have? We have Matthew chapter 24 talks about the replanting of the fig tree and learn. The parable of the fig tree starts out as a shoot.

What a trees do as time goes by, they grow, don’t they they grow, and that’s what’s happening now, especially now that the seventy years determined against it is complete. We there’s plenty of news and, if you don’t already, I suggest that you subscribe to as much news as you can get directly out of Israel. Of course, you know they have a left and right wing politics, just like we do here in the United States, and I think they do have a certain level of. Ah, let’s just leave that alone cuz. Then it’s gon na sound like I’m, going to drag politics into it, and I don’t want to do that.

Let’S just say it doesn’t hurt to get news directly from Jerusalem and I do – and I can tell you that, there’s a lot of people that don’t like it, some of them are even Jews or at least claim to be Jews, but Israel is expanding rapidly. They’Re annexing land, they’re, building new settlements, just like a tree growing, so there you have it the replanted fig. Now, let’s get into what’s important Matthew 24, when the nation was replanted and that’s not the only place, it talks about many many prophecies, old and Old Testament. In particular, talk about, I will gather my people back to gathering of the people. It starts with the remnant.

Jeremiah 23 is a pretty good place to, and it talks about the good and the bad fig. What are the bad fit? Well, I mentioned earlier Matthew. 13. Remember the fig tree, the nation, the figs himself, people and we have good figs and we have bad pick.

Figs, okay and Caban figs are explained by Christ himself in Matthew 13. What happened in the garden? There are children and he John chapter 8, another good place to look. There are children as long as a revelation. Now, please it’s three words: the letters to the churches and two different churches that the only two churches Christ was pleased with.

He talks about those that claim to be Jews but are not and do lie there. Children of the devil. I mentioned the serpent seed doctrine. I know it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but it’s a teaching. It’S biblical teachings the words of Christ.

He revealed that to us. That’S precisely what happened. Cain was the son of the devil, his progeny, his offspring are called tonight. They’Re mentioned many many places in the Bible. Christ encountered them himself on more than one occasion are flat-out called children of the devil.

He told them they can’t understand his speech because they’re not his they’re of their father, the devil. John chapter 8. I know pretty rough stuff there, but it’s true and that’s what we’re seeking right. That’S what we want were going after the truth. Only two churches, as the seven mentioned in Revelation, taught this: those are the one two he was pleased with the other ones, not pleased different levels of a displeased with them.

I don’t want to be in the category of unpleasing, so we have to talk about yesterday. We took on the rapture a little bit today is a new day and we’re going into more what many would call controversial. Well, Christians are controversial to a lot of people. Aren’T they ask any Muslim and I’m not attacking them specifically well yeah. I guess I just did, but you know what I mean we there there are a lot of the other religions find us very controversial, and I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for people like that.

You know like it or lump it. Neither great hey this family, this Christian family takes adoptees whomsoever will. But if you don’t want well, okay, that’s your choice! You have freewill, just as I do so. We’Ve covered some pretty intense material.

Now the looming question. Well, how long is a generation? You read that scripture about learn a parable of the fig tree. Okay, the fig tree is the nation of Israel and when you see it shoot forth here we go that’s the generation of the fig tree and it shall not pass according to Christ, which we know it’s true. This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.

All the things in mark 13, Luke, 21 Matthew 24. Those will all be fulfilled during this fig tree generation. Begs the question: okay! Well, how long is a generation King, David Kirk, I remind you, Christ was referred to as the son of David he’s a direct descendant of the King David. Although Christ be king of kings, Christ is the king of David Tom 90.

A generation is seventy years and if, by reason of strength eighty, so we have a ten-year window, don’t we 70 to 80 years at this point, we’re approaching 72 years into the generation not quite to the 72 year mark, but getting there does that mean? We have eight more years and a little bit of change, not necessarily not necessarily. Hopefully you did a little homework recently as asked yesterday. I hope you’ve got around to it and you give Matthew 24 a real good look and the warning there about people being caught off guard. I think we better be stay in the vineyard.

Keep working keep watching and I find it dangerous. There’S a lot of date. Setters out there I absolutely refuse to set dates, because I don’t want to mislead anybody. If somebody tells you, Christ isn’t returning until 2030 and it’s not hard to find someone that’ll tell you that or 2028 what, if they’re wrong, I remember in more than one place. It says for the elects sake.

Those days were shortened, not lengthened shortened, so it does definitely put the thought in my mind, and perhaps yours as well – that we may not have a four years left. It may be less than that and we have to be prepared. That’S why we were told to watch and be prepared, be ready for his coming make sure you’re in the vineyard working. That’S what I’m trying to do and I waited 20 years before I felt qualified to start spreading the word so to speak, because I don’t want to be wrong. Judgment starts at the pulpit.

That’S easily easily document judgment starts at the pulpit. Here’S a mole when you start doing what I’m doing right now you are in a place of a higher standard. If you will you’re better make sure you know what you’re talking about. I’M saying it, I’m still nervous. That’S why I double-check triple-check make sure – and I always emphasize – please don’t just take my word alone – do your own homework.

I doesn’t matter yeah we’re each gon na be judged separately and one thing this isn’t gon na work, but father Pat Pat told me Pat said or whatever you’re, whoever you’re listening to it may be multiple people, Marian and Josephine and Fred, told me this. I believed them, it told me who’s gon na be raptured away and worshiped Antichrist, because I thought he was you. It’S not gon na work. Sorry we’re each responsible. We each were given free, will and a mind and we’re supposed to use it.

So I’ll do my best. I promise I’ll never lie to you intentionally. I, if I find out I’ve, made an error just like I did it the opening today. I will correct myself um by the way, I’m sorry for the error. I apologize.

If I caused you to look in the wrong book and you never could find it, and I wasted your time wait, I didn’t I didn’t waste your time because any reading you do in the Bible is worthwhile, so I won’t apologize for wasting your time because if I can shoot if I just make people angry and drive them into the Bible, to prove me wrong. That’S, okay, too! Good! That’S good job done job job. Well done so be careful of anybody setting dates, I’m not setting dates.

I am saying it’s possible. I don’t know if we can make an argument that the earth is real, strong right now, the earth as a whole. Later I’m going to do one about the mass die-off. So it’s when I started of Wildlife Hosea is a prophet primarily. I think it’s it’s mentioned in passing in some other books, but a specific prophecy about end times last days about the die-off of things like fish wildlife, that sort of thing – and I didn’t realize how what level it it increased and I will do a podcast later.

I’M not promising exactly when but later, and I will cover that and I will give you a site to go to that’s tracking that. However, they mentioned starting this year, it’s becoming so frequent. They are not promising, they can cover every single one like they had been in years past. The birth pang analogy is real. It’S true and it’s happening much more frequently.

Now that’s just another indication to me. We may not have seven six seven eight years left. It might be much closer than that, so, let’s watch dear brothers and sisters. Thank you. I think I’m going to wrap it up for this one parable to the fig tree.

When you see all these things know that it is not at the door. I’Ve seen an awful lot of things. I hope you do too organ I’m going to cover them. That’S the whole purpose of the podcast right once we get through some of this basic teaching, I’m going to start documenting things that have already passed, but I think we need to good a good, solid foundation first and that’s what I’m in the process of doing now. You can’t build your house on sand or it won’t stand we’re building on the rock, which is Christ, the rock that can’t be shaken, and once we get a real good foundation, we’ll go from there and I’m gon na start documenting for you.

Prophecies has already come to pass. I just mentioned another one didn’t I go die off, Trish wildlife and you can research that yourself, it’s not too hard. I didn’t have a whole lot of trouble, finding it on Google believe it or not. Now I will say this in closing: I am starting to see some censorship. It’S not quite as easy as it was over a couple of years ago, there some search results are being suppressed.

I I’m sad to report that, to you makes it a little tougher, but it’s really live in its reality: okay, brothers and sisters. I love you. This is Pat a fellow student of the last days, just like you signing off and once again thank you for your time. Each and every minute you spend studying God’s Word. May God bless you for it?

Thank you.



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