It’S January, 9th 2020 episode 2. Welcome. Welcome, I’m so glad you came. Hopefully you’ve listened to the introduction. If not, I would highly recommend you starting there first, but it come to my attention.

A man I’m gon na make for fun of myself. Sometimes too, let’s you know this is some very serious subject matter. So while we’re doing it, let’s have a little fun too and what I start goofing around, keep in mind. I’M not making fun of you, I’m really making fun of the naysayers and the non-believers, because if you’ve been a Christian any length of time at all, I’m certain you’ve encountered them too, and Christ called them hypocrites, often and that’s a pretty good term for him. I know we’re always called the hypocrites aren’t. We. Christians are always called hypocrisy. Uh, that’s okay, yeah! I would remember. Christ said they hated me first.

Just remember that. So let’s remember that, but I promised you clarity, told you. That was my goal, and what did I do right off the bat silly me never quite got around to clearly explaining why you need a Strong’s Concordance. So let’s take care of that one. First, a couple of good reasons: if you can, if, if you can swing it, get you a nut, edits and strong seeking concordance they’re, not that expensive and here’s.


Why I’ll give you an example, the word requite: it’s not a real common English word, but it’s in the authorized version of the King James and it’s God it says. Surely speaking of God Isaiah the prophet said, surely he will requite? You know you hit that and you could look up. If you don’t know the meaning of the English word requite, you could look it up, but it’s a lot better if you have a strong concordance, so you can break that. It’S in the Old Testament.


It’S a Hebrew word that it was tried that requite was translated from you. Have the ability now to go and look and see exact definition of what that word means in Hebrew, which I I honestly feel really if you’re serious about studying, you really do need to break I’m not saying you’re gon na have time or be able to take Every single word in the Bible and break it back. But when you hit words like that, I’ll give you another one evil. There’S about! There’S several different Hebrew words that the King, James translators rendered evil, but they’re specifically different words with different meanings in Hebrew or in some cases Greek.


There are different words. One frequently used word. Translated. Evil actually means calamity uh. Where God said, I create two good and I create the evil.


He didn’t actually say he creates evil. He said he creates calamity and there’s lots of examples of that, including the Babylonian captivity. The Assyrian captivity. Well, that was quite a climate II. The Egyptians encountered when they got their chariots and themselves got covered in water at the Red Sea.


That was climate II. Wasn’T it God said I do all these things and I’ve I’ll put it on the website. But I’m sorry excuse me at the moment exactly where that was that I think it I’m not gon na, say cuz. I don’t want to tell you wrong. I would rather omit it at for this moment in time than to tell you wrong, but I do all these things.


You know Isaiah he he says basically the exact same thing and he goes yet. Men do not lay it to heart. Often he doesn’t get credit for the things that he does and yes in this dispensation of time there isn’t. There is a oh boy. I don’t want to use the word evil, but, okay, I guess we will.


There are a darker side of the plan forever. Our a negative side of the plan – maybe that’s what I’m searching for okay, including the appearance of Antichrist, which is yet future now today, we’ll be getting into that later. But when is that? Is that an important one? Because when you start understanding the appearance of Antichrist, you start understanding Matthew 24 among many many many other places.


Let me just give you an example of what I’m talking about later on in Matthew 24. It’S got the set, it’s got when he returns a seventh Trump here. He’S he’s returned sorry, the Trump I’m borrowing from Revelation, but he’s going through each of the Trump’s. All seven Trump’s are covered in Matthew 24 when he gets to that last. Sixth, one Antichrist appears, but at that last one he appears, and it says, and the tribes of the earth mourn as your preacher ever explained to you why they mourn before that.


A little bit before that earlier. This is that that’s out toward the end of 24, a little earlier he explains about you, know. I’M gon na come like a thief in the night, but I’m gon na catch a bunch of the off-guard. It could kind of make you uncomfortable if you don’t understand where he’s going with this. Well, why would they get caught off-guard, I’m gon na give you the short answer and you’re gon na have to stick with me on these podcasts to get to more in-depth thing, but remember, and second Thessalonians were told that those that won’t receive the love of the Truth will be damned to believe a lie.


The lie is out, it actually says: what’s the lie, what’s that big lie, you’re gon na be damned to believe. I’M sorry it’s early in the going and I hate if you’ve, if you’ve got a little safety blanket there with you and you think you’re not going to be here during the appearance of AD and Christ in the tribulation that you’re somehow gon na be gone. Dear brothers and sisters, you’ve been lied to, or brother or sister you’ve been lied to you’ve been told the lie. Okay, you are gon na, be here, okay and nursed you’re going to be one of those ones caught off guard. Why?


Well? Because he thought he was already here, he thought, if you think he’s already here, that’s when your least that’s the hour, you’re least expecting him to return right. That’S why the tribes of the earth mourn when he returns we’ll get into more of that later, I hesitate to say I’m sorry. I dropped that on you because some of you probably needed to hear that and if you run away and stop listening well, what I’d sure hate for you to be damned to believe a lie. The lie: well, I’d really hate that so stick around okay, stick around!


So now I said: if he’s going, to have a little fun talk about a serious subject: man that got pretty serious, pretty quick, didn’t it! So, let’s lighten it up a little bit we’ll have a little fun. Should we even be trying trying to figure out how late it is on the clock on the Doomsday Clock, if you will, and by the way, when we talk about doomsday Armageddon, the end, all that it’s just the end of evil, it’s it’s the end of all That opposes us Christians, it’s the establishment of the kingdom with Christ. The good and righteous King right here on earth he’s going to dwell with us. What a wonderful time!


Why would we be sad about that? It’S only the end for the wicked okay Satan gets cast in prison for the thousand years. The day of the Lord. He has no influence honest whatsoever. It’S gon na be a time.


It’S gon na be a wonderful time, not the end of everything. So you know all these imagery of devastating nuclear war and everybody’s dead, and that’s the end of it all rejoice, brothers and sisters, it’s not the end of it all. It’S a new beginning. It’S a new beginning. Jesus will be here with us and he’s not going away ro.


You know he’s not going to be crucified this time, that’s already completed and he’s not only gon na be here a few short years and then be, and then us have to be without him. Again. That’S never gon na happen again he’s coming for good. So why would we want to go somewhere else? That someone want to explain that one to me?


Why would we want to go somewhere else? Christ is returning here rejoice. So now here we go the fun I promised, but bit pat pat goshiki bible, say no man knows the day or the hour and doesn’t furthermore, doesn’t it say that there would that there would be no sign okay boy, that could that right there and Bob I’ve Had people say something very similar to that, maybe not in quite as goofy of voices. I just did it that’s what I hear when they say it to me. That’S what that’s it.


That’S exactly the way it sounds to me, but here goes. This demonstrates clearly why you cannot cherry-pick verses. You’Ll wind up believing foolish doctrines unprofitable doctrines. Doctrines of devils were warned about in the New Testament. Yes, doctrines of devils like the rapture doctrine, that’s not biblical.


In fact, the whole Bible warns against that that that’s not the way it’s going to happen, but when you start cherry-picking verses and taking verses out of context, you wind up in deep doo-doo. Just to put it nicely. No man knows correct. That’S in Matthew, chapter 24, but don’t just read that one verse read the whole chapter. In fact, this explains why I almost always just give you the chapter when I’m talking about something I’ll.


Just give me the chapter the book in the chapter it’s in, I rarely narrow it down to a verse, because why I want you to read the whole thing I want you to have context. Context is extremely important and when you remove it, you’ll wind up believing lies: you’ll wind up getting a misimpression you’ll wind up, basically with a bunch of preconceived ideas that are false and then pretty soon you’re going to read something else. That contradicts your preconceived idea and you’re gon na think. The Bible contradicts itself you’re going you’re going to think it’s wrong, something’s wrong here, yeah you’re, correct about that. There is something wrong: it’s in your own brain or my own brain I’ve done it a million times.


I’M not speaking down to anybody here. It took the school of hard knocks to teach this to me, don’t cherry-pick verses, it leads to babble pretty soon the multitude of conflicting voices. It’S doing the same mistake you just did take cherry-picking verses and you’ll wind up confused. Okay, there’s the warning of the day. I tried to lighten it up a little bit with the goofiness, but I know it’s still very serious, so be careful at Matthew.


24 is fascinating. Parallel chapters to that are Luke 21 and Mark 13. There’S a lot of I’m not going to call it redundancy, because one book will have a little bit of detail, the other one didn’t or one you know chapter with it. It’S read them all, but you will see that it is definitely talking about the same thing. You have to delivering up, you have Christians being killed, which it’s hard to argue that died hasn’t.


It hasn’t been the case, a lot of murders in the especially in this last generation, the generation of the fig tree, which is also mentioned – mark 13 Matthew, 24. Luke. 21, all three places you’re told Christ. The master himself tells you to learn the parable of the fig tree. I’M going to do.


Let’S make that our next podcast, it’s so important in understanding the end times and where you’re at on the big clock, who were all looking forward to the return of Christ, so he will reign righteously and there’s no more wickedness. There’S no more babble. There’S no more confusion. Nobody’S gon na ask his brother. No, the Lord, that’s written to by the way nobody’s gon na.


Ask that anymore. He’S right here with us and that’s gon na be a great time. So there you go. No man knows: oh what about the one? Oh well, there’s not gon na, be a sign.


Alright, keep in mind. Luke chapter 12 Matthew, chapter 16 records this read them both read both chapters. Please, I beg you. You’Ll see he’s talking to guys. He calls hypocrites because they can look up in the sky and they can discern what the weather’s gon na do.


They can forecast the weather, but they can’t discern the signs of the times, so he tells them the only sign, you’re gon na get the sign of Jonah, which he’s talking about his crucifixion and resurrection after the three and a half days. Okay, that’s what he’s talking about? That’S the only sign you’re gon na get and they couldn’t do not well, they could try, but there was no denying that one. He returned in the spiritual body and Wow okay, that was their sign, but there’s plenty of signs. There’S plenty of end time signs we’ll go through it.


I remember I talked about in the introduction about a preponderance of evidence bit by bit. I’M gon na build the case that we are in. Indeed, in the last days, we are indeed supposed to watch. Christ said that repeatedly throughout them to the four Gospels I tell you watch he wasn’t kidding. Watch study show you study to show yourself approved.


Okay, that’s what we’re doing here and nope. I don’t know the day or the hour don’t claim to. God knows, I don’t angels, don’t even know the day or the hour, but we know the season. We know the generation, don’t we know we’re gon na we’re going to dive deep into the generation of the fig tree in which Christ tells us remember. The three books already called the three chapters.


I already told you mark 24. Look. 21. Excuse me Matthew. 24.


Mark 13 and Luke 21, okay, learn the parable of the fig tree and all it goes on to say all these things. This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled. Also in those book in those chapters were told, when you see all these things know that it is nigh or even at the door. Does that sound like somebody that doesn’t want us to know? No, he expects the people that love him to know what generation are living in.


What season are living in and be watching be paying attention be looking for him to return, be praying for him to return we’re supposed to do all those things, but now I will do. I will do further and even right down to the exact verses of all these things, I’m talking about on the website. It’S in development, it’s not available for you to see yet, but will be soon keep in mind. This is January 9. You know you may not encounter this podcast for a year who knows two years whatever, but as of as of this recording at this moment in time right now, websites in development – it’s not available yet but I’ll, tell you where it’s going to be Bible!


Dot! Welcome home 777 dot-com, that’s Bible; dot! Welcome home 777 dot-com. Anyone who wants to follow this journey, who wants to learn to discern the signs of the time so that we’re not hypocrites? Who wants to be the good and faithful servant working in the vineyard when the master returns instead of the evil servant?


That says in his heart, the lord delayeth in is coming we’re not gon na, say that Matthew 24, by the way, we’re not saying that we’re going to work in the vineyard, which is this world of course, so there we have it one more thing. I want to talk about taking taking Scripture. We’Ve covered pretty good about the dangers of taking verses out of context, keep in mind Matthew, chapter 4. What did Satan the adversary himself tempt him with? Well, he tempt him with great wealth.


Didn’T he all the cities? Look at these great cities I’ll give them to you. If you worship me know what else scripture he quoted scripture, he cherry picked verses crisis was very, he didn’t take the bait. Let’S say he rebuked him properly. I strung.


If you don’t read anything else today. Please read matthew chapter 4: it’s worth it! Alright, that’s it for episode. 2. I really thank you for your time, but that’s uh.


It means a lot to me that you took the time to listen to this, so students of the last days. Thank you. I love you bye, [ Applause, ],


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